Edisi 2: 2014 Edisi 3: 2018
Judul asli: Social Psycology Indeks: hal. 304-307
Judul asli: Social Psychology Glosarium: hal 265-268 Indeks: hal. 297-299
Indeks: hlm 223-227
perubahan cover baru
Indeks: hal. 219-222
Judul asli: Mass communication theory indeks: hal 305-313
Indeks: hal. 227-229
Bibliografi: hal. 300-308 Indeks: hal. 330-337
Glosarium: 213 hlm - 216 hlm
Cet. 6 ada perubahan cover
Bibliografi: Hal 197
Judul asli: Political communication and public opinion and america Penerbit: Goodyear Publishing Co
Indeks: Hal 209-213